Colby Natural Health

Morton, IL 61733
Phone: (309) 266-7363
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"Our products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician."
The information presented on this website is for educational and research purposes only, and although we correct errors when we find them, we make no claim the information is 100% accurate. Links on this site or the search results shown on these pages are computer generated and are not designed to imply diagnosis, cure or prevention of any health condition but reflect information gathered from manufacturers' literature, scientific research, reference materials, ancient tradition, placebo effect, personal experiences, experiences from individuals and from customer feedback, testing from small and/or large segments of the population and just plain common sense that we hope you would exercise in using this site and its products.
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IMPORTANT WARNING: Results for this page include all products that are either RECOMMENDED or NOT RECOMMENTED for the Keyword Heartburn and/or its truncated versions. THEREFORE, read all descriptions thoroughly here and on the item itself for benefits to you or possible harmful results to your situation. Read particularly carefully in the PRECAUTIONS or WARNINGS portion of the label.